Bissaya Barreto Foundation

Brand identity proposal
Communication strategy

Exit Design

Portugal dos Pequenitos is a renowned miniature park located in coimbra, Portugal. The park is a favorite among children, showcasing small-scale replicas of traditional Portuguese houses and monuments. It's widely believed that every Portuguese citizen has visited this park at least once in their lifetime, whether as a child, parent, or grandparent.

This brand identity proposal was crafted, as part of a competition, to elevate the park's profile in anticipation of its most significant renovation in decades, which will feature a new building and multiple exhibition areas.

The new brand strategy goal was to position the park as a modern and contemporary institution for people of all ages. To achieve this, we developed a new brand identity featuring a double P logo, that symbolizes the idea of multiple generations coming together. Our hope is that this logo will appeal to an older audience and encourage more adult visitors to the park.

Moreover, the double P logo works as a versatile media container that can be utilized across various channels, including digital, social media, and offline communication.

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